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Our Services


Therapy is conducted by licensed therapist who assist individuals and families in their natural environment with recovering from physical, sexual, emotional abuse, and neglect. RFCC will address other issues, including substance abuse relapse prevention, mental illness, behavior disorders, developmental disability, dysfunctional family of origin, and current family dysfunction, while in the course of treating the abuse/neglect.


RFCC staff will provide assistance and support for parents who are unable to appropriately fulfill parenting and/or homemaking functions.  RFCC staff will assists the family through advocating, teaching, coaching, demonstrating, monitoring, and/or role modeling new, appropriate skills for coping within the following areas in an effort to build self-sufficiency.


Therapist will provide services to the survivors and their children by maintaining cooperative working relationships with local programs (i.e. law enforcement, shelters, survivor programs, etc.) We assist with safety plans, housing assistance, parenting education, transportation, counseling, job assistance, educational and community resources.


For Visitations our direct worker or counselor will provide visitation facilitation between parents, children and siblings. Visitations will allow the child an opportunity to reconnect and reestablish the parent, child, family relationship in a safe environment.


Tutoring Services will work to raise the academic performance of school aged youth to a level consistent with the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) Academic standards.  


Our Casework services are high quality, family centered, and culturally competent and effective in reducing maltreatment, improving caretaking and coping skills, enhancing family resilience, supporting healthy and nurturing relationships, and children’s physical, mental, emotional, and educational wellbeing.



 Our program focuses on improving a mentees self -esteem, self-image as well as formulating a plan for one's live through the vision of where the mentee wants to be. Through various activities the mentees will learn to master their emotions and learn not to allow those emotions to guide their behavior. The mentees will learn why self-discipline is important and how discipline is the foundation of becoming a good man and upstanding adult who can positively function in society.


Parenting Education

Parent Education services uses The Nurturing Program for Parents and Children Curriculum. RFCC staff will teach parents about parenting, disciplining and child development. RFCC parent training program includes family skills training and family activities to help children and parents take advantage of concrete social supports.


Parenting & Family Functioning Assessment

 The assessment includes the use of standardized test instrument(s) to identify strengths and needs of the family. The therapist will conduct an interview and assessment with the adults and children in their current home environment.

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